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Stimulating hair growth & fighting hair loss

An Organic Pea Sprout Extract to Rebalance the Hair Life Cycle


Based on sprouts of organic pea, AnaGain™ reduces hair loss by inducing dermal papilla cells to reactivate hair growth. Hair loss affects both women and men. It is caused by an imbalance of the hair growth cycle leading to a reduced number of growing (anagen) hair combined with an increased number of degenerating (telogen) ones. As a consequence, AnaGain™ increased the hair growth coefficient (proportion of active hair follicles) from 4 to 7.2 indicating a strong hair-regrowing effect. By reactivating hair growth, AnaGain™ helps the hairs to keep their original density and thickness. AnaGain™ is known to...


  • Stimulate hair growth at the root
  • Prolong the life cycle of hair
  • Fully restore the vitality of the hair
  • Provide denser hair in just 3 months applications
  • Anti-hair loss, hair-regrowth formulation
  • Anti-aging hair care product


The Dermal Papilla Controls Hair Follicle Development & Growth


Located in the deepest part of the hair bulb, the hair matrix is one of the most rapidly proliferating tissues in the human body. The hair matrix, which is a part of the epidermis layer containing keratinocytes, embeds a “ball” of specialized dermal cells called dermal papilla (DP). The DP plays a major role in hair follicle development and growth: it initiates the growth of a new hair by: 


  • controlling the switch from degeneration (telogen) to growth (anagen) phase in the hair life cycle
  • instructing the surrounding epithelial cells (the hair matrix) to proliferate, move upward and differentiate into the multiple cell types which will constitute the outgrowing hair shaft as well as its root sheaths.



The Hair Growth Cycle


Hair follicles undergo cyclical and asynchronous growth. This cycle is made up of 3 phases (anagen, catagen and telogen); each hair passes through the phases independently of the neighboring hairs.


  • During the anagen (growing) phase which lasts 3 to 5 years, the DP initiates the creation of a new matrix which will lead to the formation of a new hair.
  • Then the hair moves to the regression (catagen) stage for about 3 weeks. During this transition period, the hair bulb separates from the DP, and the hair follicle shrinks and migrates towards the scalp surface. The DP remains intact and is pulled or migrates   upwards.
  • At the end of the telogen (resting) phase which lasts up to 4 months, the hair follicle reenters the anagen phase: the DP and the base of the follicle join together again and a new hair begins to form. If the old hair has not already been shed, the new hair pushes   the old one out and the growth cycle starts all over again.
